

 method of brocading (brocade) handmade flat-woven rugs and similar fabrics. It is one of the oldest known techniques, identified among charred 7th-century-BC fragments excavated at Gordion, near Ankara in Anatolia. In recent times, it has been most prevalent in the Caucasus, but it is also used in various parts of Iran. In this technique, coloured yarns, which form the pattern, lie at slight angles from the horizontal, and herringbone effects are often created by changing the angle of alternate rows. Loose ends of the pattern yarns are allowed to hang free at the back of the rug, providing a padding. For so slight an excuse as this, soumak rugs for a long time were confusingly sold asCashmeres.”

      Many Caucasian and Persian saddlebags for use on donkeys have been soumak-woven, as have floor-size carpets, which usually have a central repeat of large diamond- or star-shaped medallions. Soumak rugs ordinarily have borders as elaborate as those of pile rugs made in the same areas. Particular soumak patterns are characterized as sileh (sileh rug) and verneh (verné rug).

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