

      town, capital of Soria provincia (province), in Castile-León comunidad autónoma (autonomous community), north-central Spain. It lies on the western bank of the Duero River (Douro River) about 140 miles (225 km) northeast of Madrid. Restored by Alfonso I (the Warrior) of Aragon after the Moorish invasion, the city was later given to Alfonso VII of Castile. Medieval Soria was ruled by the unique Doce Linajes (12 noble families that governed in turn). The churches of Santo Domingo and San Nicolás, the Colegiata (collegiate church) de San Pedro, the cloister of the Convent of San Juan del Duero, and other ecclesiastical buildings are fine specimens of Romanesque architecture. Commercial activities include food processing, sawmilling, and the manufacture of cement, soap, and tiles. The local economy centres on commerce and services. Pop. (2006) 37,753.

      provincia (province) in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Castile-León, north-central Spain. It was formed from part of the historic region of Old Castile in 1833. The terrain is varied: to the north are the Moncayo and Urbión mountain ranges; in the centre, around Soria city, the provincial capital, is a flat plain watered by the Duero River; and in the south, this same plain gives way to rolling hills. Barley, wheat, and rye are grown in areas irrigated by the Duero, and lumbering (pine), sheep grazing, and pig raising also are carried on in the province. Food processing and services, the province's dominant economic activities, are concentrated in the provincial capital. Area 3,979 square miles (10,306 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 93,593.

Vicente Rodriguez

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Universalium. 2010.

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