

      rare double-reed wind instrument of the 16th and 17th centuries, an early precursor of the bassoon. It differs from the curtal, the bassoon's direct predecessor, in having a cylindrical bore (a bassoon bore is conical). The bore, cut into a single piece of wood, doubled in a narrow U-shape and emerged in a lateral hole. Finger holes were cut in the instrument wall. The sordone produced a muted sound and had a compass of a 13th.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • bassoon — bassoonist, n. /ba soohn , beuh /, n. a large woodwind instrument of low range, with a doubled tube and a curved metal crook to which a double reed is attached. [1720 30; < F basson < It bassone (bass(o) low (see BASE2) + one aug. suffix)] * * *… …   Universalium

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