Singer, I.J.

Singer, I.J.

American author
in full  Israel Joshua Singer , also spelled  Yisroel Yeshue Zinger , Yisroel also spelled  Yisroyel 
born Nov. 30, 1893, Biłgoraj, Pol.
died Feb. 10, 1944, New York, N.Y., U.S.

      Polish-born writer of realistic historical novels in Yiddish.

      Singer's father was a rabbi who was a fervent Ḥasid, and his mother was from a distinguished Mitnagged family. Singer began writing tales of Ḥasidic life in 1915 and then worked as a newspaper correspondent in Warsaw during the 1920s and early '30s, publishing several collections of short stories during this time, including the short storyPerl” (“The Pearl”), which was his first international success. His novel Yoshe Kalb, a description of Ḥasidic life in Galicia, appeared in 1932, and the next year he immigrated to the United States. His subsequent writings appeared in serialized form in the Jewish Daily Forward newspaper in New York City. The novel Di brider Ashkenazi (The Brothers Ashkenazi) was published in 1936 and was followed in 1938 by Ḥaver Naḥman (“Comrade Naḥman”), a scathing indictment of communism, and then in 1943 by Di mishpoḥe Ḳarnovsḳi (The Family Carnovsky).

      Singer was the older brother of the writer Isaac Bashevis Singer (Singer, Isaac Bashevis) and the younger brother of the writer Esther Kreytman (Kreitman). Like his brother, I.J. Singer wrote multigenerational family novels; but, unlike his brother, he firmly linked his vivid characters with a larger historical and socioeconomic setting, to which he devoted considerable attention throughout his books. Singer's masterpiece, The Brothers Ashkenazi, examines the rivalry of two very different brothers whose fortunes parallel that of their birthplace, the Polish industrial city of Łódź. The Family Carnovsky traces an assimilated German-Jewish family for several decades until its members must immigrate to the United States after the Nazi takeover.

      Singer also wrote short stories and plays that were successfully produced by Yiddish theatre groups both in Europe and in the United States.

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