Signorelli, Luca

Signorelli, Luca

Italian painter
in full  Luca d'Egidio di Ventura de' Signorelli , also called  Luca da Cortona 
born 1445/50, Cortona, Republic of Florence
died Oct. 16, 1523, Cortona
 Renaissance painter, best known for his nudes and for his novel compositional devices.

      It is likely that Signorelli was a pupil of Piero della Francesca in the 1460s. The first certain surviving work by him, a fragmentary fresco (1474) now in the museum at Città di Castello, shows a strong influence from Piero. His first signed work was a processional banner with a Madonna on one side and a Flagellation on the other; these hang in the Brera, Milan, as separate pictures. They still show links with the style of Piero, but the dominant influence is that of Florence and especially the scientific naturalism of the Pollaiuolo brothers, which suggests that Signorelli visited Florence in the 1470s. In 1479 he was elected to the Council of 18 in his native Cortona, and for the rest of his life he was active in politics.

      About 1483 he went to Rome, where theTestament of Mosesfresco in the Sistine Chapel is unanimously attributed to him. By that date his style had become fixed, his interest in dramatic action and the expression of great muscular effort marking him as an essentially Florentine naturalist. The S. Onofrio altarpiece (1484) for Perugia cathedral shows the same qualities. Between 1497 and 1498 he was at work on a fresco cycle of scenes from the life of St. Benedict in the monastery at Monteoliveto Maggiore, near Siena.

      His masterpiece, the frescoes ofThe End of the Worldand theLast Judgment” (14991502), is in the chapel of S. Brizio in Orvieto cathedral. Those frescoes, which greatly influenced Michelangelo, are crowded with powerful nudes painted in many postures that accentuate their musculature. Signorelli had little sense of colour, but here his greenish and purple devils add to the horror induced by the strained poses and the anatomical details in the decayed bodies.

      When commissions in Rome and Florence became infrequent, Signorelli returned to his less sophisticated Umbrian clientele. Most of his later works betray the hands of his numerous assistants.

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  • Signorelli, Luca — • Italian painter, b. at Cortona about 1441; d. there in 1523 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Signorelli, Luca — (ca. 1450 1523)    Italian painter, born in the Tuscan town of Cortona and probably trained by Piero della Francesca. His artistic style, however, also suggests the influence of Florentine painters such as Antonio del Pollaiuolo and Andrea… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

  • Signorelli, Luca (d'Egidio di Ventura de') — or Luca da Cortona born 1445/50, Cortona, Republic of Florence died Oct. 16, 1523, Cortona Italian painter. Highly influenced by the Florentine artists, he was probably a student of Piero della Francesca. He went to Rome с 1483, where he produced …   Universalium

  • Signorelli, Luca (d'Egidio di Ventura de') — o Luca da Cortona (1445/50, Cortona, República de Florencia–16 oct. 1523, Cortona). Pintor italiano. Muy influenciado por los artistas florentinos, fue probablemente discípulo de Piero della Francesca. Viajó a Roma 1483, donde pintó el fresco… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • SIGNORELLI, LUCA —    the precursor of Michael Angelo in Italian art, born at Cortona; studied at Arezzo under Piero della Francesca, and became distinguished for the accurate anatomy of his figures and for the grandeur and originality of design exhibited in his… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Signorelli — Signorelli, Luca …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Luca Signorelli —     Luca Signorelli     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Luca Signorelli     Italian painter, b. at Cortona about 1441; d. there in 1523. He was a son of Egidio Signorelli, and his mother was a sister of the great grandfather of Vasari, from whom we… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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