

fossil plant genus
      extinct genus of tree-sized lycopsids from the Carboniferous Period (about 360 to 300 million years ago) that are related to modern club mosses (club moss). Sigillaria had a single or sparsely branched trunk characterized by a slender strand of wood and thick bark. Long, thin leaves (leaf) grew in a spiral along the trunk but persisted only near its growing tip; on lower portions of the plant where the leaves had fallen off, characteristic polygonal leaf scars remained. Sigillaria reproduced by spores (spore) of two distinct sizes. The larger megaspores produced egg cells, whereas the smaller microspores produced sperm cells. Sigillaria appears to have preferred mineral soils of river floodplains, in contrast to its relative, Lepidodendron, which grew in peat-forming swamps. This preference for better-drained soils may have allowed Sigillaria to survive the drying of the great coal swamps that led to the extinction of many tree-sized lycopsids during the middle of the Pennsylvanian Subperiod (318 to 299 million years ago).

Nan Crystal Arens

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  • sigillaria — SIGILLÁRIA s.f. Arbore fosil având aceleaşi dimensiuni ca şi lepidodendronul, dar cu trunchiul neramificat. [pr.: ri a] – După fr. sigillaire. Trimis de LauraGellner, 22.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  sigillária s. f. (sil. ri a) Trimis de siveco,… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Sigillaria — Sig il*la ri*a, n. pl. [L., from sigillum a seal. See {Sigil}.] (Rom. Antic.) Little images or figures of earthenware exposed for sale, or given as presents, on the last two days of the Saturnalia; hence, the last two, or the sixth and seventh,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sigillaria — Sig il*la ri*a, n. [NL., fem sing. fr. L. sigillum a seal.] (Paleon.) A genus of fossil trees principally found in the coal formation; so named from the seallike leaf scars in vertical rows on the surface. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Sigillarĭa — Sigillarĭa, s. Lykopodinen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Sigillaria — Sigillarĭa Brogn., Siegelbaum, ausgestorbene Pflanzengattg., zu den Gefäßkryptogamen gehörig, baumhoch, mit Siegelabdrücken ähnlichen Blattnarben und an den Spitzen der Äste stehenden Blattbüscheln; sehr verbreitet in der Steinkohlenzeit.… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Sigillaria — Taxobox name = Sigillaria fossil range = Carboniferous to Permian image width = 240px image caption = Sigillaria root ( Stigmaria ) from the Llewellyn Formation. regnum = Plantae divisio = Lycopodiophyta classis = Isoetopsida ordo =… …   Wikipedia

  • SIGILLARIA — I. SIGILLARIA festum apud Romanos, Ausonio in Eclogar. v. 32. Festa Sigillorum dictum, memoratur a. Gellio l. 2. c. 3. ubi librum Aeneidos secundum inirandae vetustatis, emptum in Sigillariis XX. aureis, Fidum Optatum sibi ostendisse, scribit: In …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Sigillaria — Siegelbäume Sigillaria sp. aus dem Karbon. Die siegelartigen Blattposter treten an diesem Handstück deutlich hervor. Zeitraum Unterkarbon bis Perm 350 bis 250 Mio. Jahre …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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