Sienkiewicz, Henryk

Sienkiewicz, Henryk

Polish writer
in full  Henryk Adam Alexander Pius Sienkiewicz,  pseudonym  Litwos  
born May 5, 1846, Wola Okrzejska, Poland
died November 15, 1916, Vevey, Switzerland
 Polish novelist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature (Nobel Prize winners by category (literature)) in 1905.

      Sienkiewicz's family owned a small estate but lost everything and moved to Warsaw, where Sienkiewicz studied literature, history, and philology at Warsaw University. He left the university in 1871 without taking a degree. He had begun to publish critical articles in 1869 that showed the influence of Positivism, a system of philosophypopular in Poland and elsewhere at the timeemphasizing in particular the achievements of science. His first novel, Na marne (In Vain), was published in 1872, and his first short story, “Stary sługa” (“An Old Retainer”), in 1875. Sienkiewicz traveled in the United States (187678) and, upon his return to Poland after a prolonged stay in Paris, published a number of successful short stories, among themJanko muzykant” (1879; “Yanko the Musician”), “Latarnik” (1882; “The Lighthouse Keeper”), andBartek zwyciezca” (1882; “Bartek the Conqueror”). The last story appears in a volume of his stories entitled Charcoal Sketches and Other Tales (1990), and there is also a volume of his stories entitled Selected Tales (1976).

      From 1882 to 1887 Sienkiewicz was coeditor of the daily Słowo (“The Word”). In 1900, to celebrate the 30th year of his career as a writer, the Polish people presented him with the small estate of Oblęgorek, near Kielce in south-central Poland, where he lived until 1914. At the outbreak of World War I he went to Switzerland, where, together with the famous politician and pianist Ignacy Paderewski (Paderewski, Ignacy Jan), he promoted the cause of Polish independence and organized relief for Polish war victims.

      Sienkiewicz's great trilogy of historical novels began to appear in Słowo in 1883. It comprises Ogniem i mieczem (1884; With Fire and Sword; filmed 1999), Potop (1886; The Deluge; filmed 1974), and Pan Wołodyjowski (188788; Pan Michael, also published as Fire in the Steppe; filmed 1969). Set in the later 17th century, the trilogy describes Poland's struggles against Cossacks, Tatars, Swedes, and Turks, stressing Polish heroism with epic range and with clarity and simplicity. The finest of the three works, With Fire and Sword, describes the Poles' attempts to halt the rebellion of the Zaporozhian Cossacks led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky (Khmelnytsky, Bohdan).

      Sienkiewicz's other novels include the widely translated Quo vadis? (1896; Eng. trans. Quo vadis; filmed 1909, 1913, 1951, 2001), a historical novel set in Rome under Nero, which established Sienkiewicz's international reputation. Although Sienkiewicz's major novels have been criticized for their theatricality and lack of historical accuracy, they display great narrative power and contain vivid characterizations.

Jerzy R. Krzyzanowski

Additional Reading
Mieczysław Giergielewicz, Henryk Sienkiewicz (1968, reissued 1991), introduces Sienkiewicz's life and works. See also Monica Gardner, The Patriot Novelist of Poland: Henryk Sienkiewicz (1926); Mieczysław Giergielewicz, Henryk Sienkiewicz's American Resonance (1966); Jerzy R. Krzyżanowski (ed.), The Trilogy Companion: A Reader's Guide to the Trilogy of Henryk Sienkiewicz (1991).

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