Siemens, Sir William

Siemens, Sir William

British inventor
in full  Charles William Siemens,  original name  Karl Wilhelm Siemens 
born April 4, 1823, Lenthe, Prussia [now in Germany]
died Nov. 19, 1883, London, Eng.
 German-born English engineer and inventor, important in the development of the steel and telegraph industries.

      After private tutoring, Siemens was sent to a commercial school at Lübeck in order to enter his uncle's bank. But his elder brother, Werner Siemens, deciding that engineering was more suitable, sent him to a technical school at Magdeburg for three years. Financed by his uncle, he then studied chemistry, physics, and mathematics for a year at the University of Göttingen, where his brother-in-law was a professor of chemistry. Through his brother's influence he became an apprentice-student, without fee, in an engineering factory making steam engines in Magdeburg. While there, he determined to sell Werner's electroplating process; after modest success in Hamburg, William traveled to London, arriving in March 1843 with only a few pounds in cash. He sold the process to Elkingtons of Birmingham for £1,600. He returned to Germany to complete his studies and then went again to England in February 1844 with the intention of selling further inventions.

      Finding that the patent laws in England were encouraging, William boldly decided to settle there as an inventor, but he found it difficult to make a living until his water meter, invented in 1851, began to earn large royalties. He could now afford an office in London and a house in Kensington, where he lived with his younger brothers, Carl (18291906) and August Friedrich (18261904), until his marriage in 1859 to Anne Gordon, the sister of an engineering professor at the University of Glasgow. The same year, he also received British citizenship.

      Beginning in 1847, William and his brother Friedrich had attempted to apply to industrial processes the regenerative principle, by which heat escaping with waste gases was captured to heat the air supplied to a furnace, thus increasing efficiency. In 1861 William used this principle in his patent for the open-hearth furnace that was heated by gas produced by low-grade coal outside the furnace. This invention, first used in glassmaking, was soon widely applied in steelmaking and eventually supplanted the earlier Bessemer process of 1856. William's achievements were recognized by his membership in the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1860 and by his election as a fellow of the Royal Society in 1862. Tempted by the prospect of profits as well as royalties, he started his own steelworks at Landore, South Wales, in 1869; but, although it flourished for some years, he was losing money by the 1880s.

      Meanwhile, he had made yet another reputation and fortune in electric telegraphy. Beginning in 1850, he had acted as English agent for his brother Werner's firm, Siemens & Halske of Berlin, a connection he maintained until 1858, when he became managing partner of the separate London firm founded under the same name; the firm was engaged in electrical testing for cable firms and in the manufacturing of apparatus. The English firm laid, in 1874, the electrical cable from Rio de Janeiro to Montevideo and, in 1875, the first direct link from Britain to the United States.

      Thereafter, William worked on electric lighting and electric traction. He invented improvements in arc lights and had them installed in the British Museum and elsewhere. A few months before he died he was responsible for the Portrush electric railway in Northern Ireland. He played a full part in professional life: he acted as president of various professional organizations including the British Association for the Advancement of Science, received honorary degrees from various universities and many foreign orders, and was knighted in the year of his death. He left a large fortune but no children.

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Universalium. 2010.

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