

      (Japanese:god-body”), in the Shintō religion of Japan, manifestation of the deity (kami), its symbol, or an object of worship in which it resides; also referred to as mitama-shiro (“the material object in which the divine soul resides”). The shintai may be a natural object in which the divinity's presence was discovered, such as a stone, mountain, or well, or an object made for him, such as a sword, comb, or mirror.

      The symbol of the sun goddess Amaterasu, worshipped at the main Shintō shrine at Ise, is a mirror (along with a jewel and a sword), one of the Three Sacred Treasures (Sanshu no Jingi) of Japan. The shintai is usually enclosed in cloth or in a box and kept in the main sanctuary of the shrine within a small room or cupboard whose doors are seldom opened. Representations in painting or sculpture of Shintō divinities are less commonly worshipped, though some appeared under Buddhist influence (see shinzō).

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