Schumpeter, Joseph A.

Schumpeter, Joseph A.

American economist
in full  Joseph Alois Schumpeter  
born Feb. 8, 1883, Triesch, Moravia [now Třeš, Czech Republic]
died Jan. 8, 1950, Taconic, Conn., U.S.

      Moravian-born American economist and sociologist known for his theories of capitalist development and business cycles.

      Schumpeter was educated in Vienna and taught at the universities of Czernowitz, Graz, and Bonn before joining the faculty of Harvard University (193250). In 1919 he served briefly as minister of finance in the Austrian government. His influence in the field of economic theory was powerful. In his widely read Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (1942), he argued that capitalism would eventually perish of its own success, giving way to some form of public control or socialism. His History of Economic Analysis (1954; reprinted 1966) is an exhaustive study of the development of analytic methods in economics. His other books include Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (1912; The Theory of Economic Development) and Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical, and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process, 2 vol. (1939; rev. ed. 1964).

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  • Schumpeter, Joseph A(lois) — born Feb. 8, 1883, Triesch, Moravia died Jan. 8, 1950, Taconic, Conn., U.S. Moravian U.S. economist and sociologist. Educated in Austria, he taught at several European universities before joining the faculty of Harvard University (1932–50). He… …   Universalium

  • Schumpeter, Joseph A(lois) — (8 feb. 1883, Triesch, Moravia–8 ene. 1950, Taconic, Conn., EE.UU.). Economista y sociólogo moravo estadounidense. Se educó en Austria y fue profesor de varias universidades europeas antes de incorporarse al cuerpo docente de la Universidad de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Joseph Alois Schumpeter — Joseph Schumpeter Joseph Alois Schumpeter (* 8. Februar 1883 in Triesch, Mähren; † 8. Januar 1950 in Taconic, Connecticut, USA) war ein österreichischer Ökonom (ist jedoch kein Vertreter der Österreichischen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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