Schreiner, Olive

Schreiner, Olive

South African writer
in full  Olive Emilie Albertina Schreiner,  pseudonym  Ralph Iron  
born March 24, 1855, Wittebergen, Cape Colony [now in South Africa]
died Dec. 11, 1920, Cape Town, S.Af.

      writer who produced the first great South African novel, The Story of an African Farm (1883). She had a powerful intellect, militantly feminist and liberal views on politics and society, and great vitality that was somewhat impaired by asthma and severe depressions. Her brother William Philip Schreiner (Schreiner, William Philip) was prime minister of Cape Colony from 1899 to 1902.

      Although Schreiner had no formal education, she read widely and was taught by her formidable mother. From early childhood she had an active fantasy life. From 1874 until 1881 (when she went to England, hoping to study medicine) she earned her living as a governess; during this time she wrote two semiautobiographical novels, Undine (published 1928) and The Story of an African Farm (1883), and began From Man to Man (1926), at which she worked intermittently for 40 years but never finished.

      The Story of an African Farm was an immediate success in Europe and North America, bringing its author, though published pseudonymously, many distinguished admirers. It tells the story of a girl on an isolated farm in the veld who struggles for her independence in the face of rigid Boer social conventions. The book's originality, assured handling of narrative and description, exotic background, and vigorous expression of feminist, anti-Christian views on religion and marriage gave it both notoriety and wide appeal.

      Notable among Schreiner's other works are an attack on the activities of Cecil Rhodes and his associates, Trooper Peter Halkett of Mashonaland (1897), and a widely acclaimedbibleof the Women's Movement, Woman and Labour (1911).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • SCHREINER, OLIVE —    authoress, daughter of a Lutheran clergyman at Cape Town; achieved a great success by The Story of an African Farm in 1883, which was followed in 1890 by Dreams, also later Dream Life and Real Life ; she is opposed to the South African policy… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Schreiner, Olive (Emilie Albertina) — born March 24, 1855, Wittebergen, Cape Colony died Dec. 11, 1920, Cape Town, S.Af. South African writer. She had no formal education but read widely, developing a powerful intellect and militantly feminist and liberal views. After working as a… …   Universalium

  • Schreiner, Olive (Emilie Albertina) — (24 mar. 1855, Wittebergen, Cabo Colonia–11 dic. 1920, Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica). Escritora sudafricana. No tuvo una educación formal, sin embargo fue una gran lectora, lo que le permitió desarrollar su intelecto y llegar a convertirse en una… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Olive Schreiner — Born 24 March 1855(1855 03 24) Eastern Cape, South Africa Died 11 December 1920(1920 12 11) …   Wikipedia

  • Olive Schreiner — Nacimiento 24 de marzo de 1855 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Olive Shreiner — Olive Schreiner Olive Schreiner 1889 à Menton, France Olive Schreiner (24 mars 1855 11 décembre 1920) était une écrivaine d Afrique du Sud, pacifiste et militante politique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Schreiner — Schreiner, Olive, engl. Schriftstellerin, Tochter eines luth. Geistlichen in Kapstadt, heiratete 1894 den Kolonisten Cronwright, veröffentlichte 1883 in England »The story of an African farm« unter dem Namen Ralph Iron, 1891 die Parabelsammlung… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Schreiner, William Philip — ▪ South African politician born Aug. 30, 1857, Wittebergen, Cape Colony [now in South Africa] died June 28, 1919, Llandrindod Wells, Radnor, Wales       South African politician who was prime minister of Cape Colony at the outbreak of the South… …   Universalium

  • Olive Schreiner — 1889 à Menton, France Olive Schreiner (24 mars 1855 11 décembre 1920) était une écrivaine d Afrique du Sud, pacifiste et militante politique. Bi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Olive Schreiner — (1889) Olive Emilie Albertina Schreiner (* 24. März 1855 in Wittebergen, Basutoland, heute Südafrika; † 11. Dezember 1920 in Wynberg, Südafrika) war eine südafrikanische Schriftstellerin. Schreiner war das siebte Kind eines deutschen Missionars… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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