San Salvador de Jujuy

San Salvador de Jujuy

 city, capital of Jujuy provincia (province), northwestern Argentina. It lies between the Xibi-xibi and Grande rivers, overlooking the valley of Jujuy at 4,131 feet (1,259 metres) above sea level. It was founded in 1593 by Francisco de Argañarás y Murguia, a colonial soldier, after the Spanish had consolidated their power over the local Omaguaca Indians. Jesuits and Franciscans established churches and libraries there, as well as reducciones (work missions) for the Indians, and the city became a regional cultural centre. Its economy is basically agricultural (sheep raising, sugar, and fruit growing), and tourism, promoted by the outstanding pre-Columbian and colonial art and architecture, is also important. Historic landmarks include the cathedral (begun 1606), which contains many 18th-century art treasures, and the Government House, where the original national flag is kept. The city is linked to the rest of Argentina by air and rail. Pop. (2001) 231,229.

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Universalium. 2010.

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