

French poet
also spelled  Rutebuef , or  Rustebeuf 
flourished 124585

      French poet and jongleur whose pungent commentaries on the orders of society are considered the first expression of popular opinion in French literature.

      The lack of any contemporary reference to someone of this name has led scholars to suppose that he wrote under a pseudonym. Autobiographical information is found in a number of his poems; for example, in Le Mariage Rutebeuf (“The Rutebeuf Marriage”) he records that on Jan. 21, 1261, he married an ugly old woman who had neither charm nor a dowry. An account of how he was reduced to poverty by a series of misfortunes is found in La Complainte Rutebeuf (“The Rutebeuf Complaint”). Rutebeuf does not appear, however, to have lacked patrons. It was probably in response to commissions that he composed elegies on the deaths of some of the greatest French princes of his time.

      Rutebeuf's real poetic strength, however, lay not in solemn official poems but in lively, biting satire and amusing verse stories (fabliaux). The chief targets of his satire were the friars, and he defended the University of Paris against the attacks of the religious orders. Some of his most successful works are in a far more popular veine.g., Le Dit de l'herberie (“The Tale of the Herb Market”), a comic monologue in the voice of a sharp-tongued seller of quack medicines. Rutebeuf's dislike of the friars also is apparent in his ribald adventure tales (contes). He wrote one of the earliest extant miracle plays in French, Le Miracle de Théophile (“The Miracle of Theophile”), on the traditional theme of a priest who sells his soul to the devil and is saved by the Virgin.

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Universalium. 2010.

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