

Roman official
in full  Flavius Rufinus  
died Nov. 27, 395, Constantinople

      minister of the Eastern Roman emperor Arcadius (ruled 383408) and rival of Stilicho (Stilicho, Flavius), the general who was the effective ruler of the Western Empire. The conflict between Rufinus and Stilicho was one of the factors leading to the official partition of the empire into Eastern and Western halves.

      Rufinus was a native of Gaul who had risen to the rank of praetorian prefect of Illyricum. Shortly before he died early in 395, the emperor Theodosius I (the effective ruler of the whole empire) appointed Rufinus guardian of his son Arcadius and Stilicho guardian of his other son, Honorius, who had been made nominal ruler of the West.

      At once the two regents became enemies. Stilicho had the military advantage, for he had under his command Eastern troops that had been brought to the West by Theodosius to crush a usurper. Rufinus sought to strengthen his political position by marrying his only daughter to Arcadius, but the marriage was prevented by the chamberlain, Eutropius. When Stilicho landed in Greece to suppress an uprising of the Visigoths, he sent troops to Constantinople in apparent (or pretended) compliance with an order from Arcadius (prompted by Rufinus). The army, under the command of Gainas, reached the city in late November 395 and unexpectedly murdered Rufinus. There is extant a posthumous attack on Rufinus by the poet Claudianus, a supporter of Stilicho. The pagan rhetorician Libanius of Antioch praised the way in which Rufinus administered the Eastern Roman Empire.

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Universalium. 2010.

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