Renmin Ribao

Renmin Ribao

Chinese newspaper
ChinesePeople's DailyWade-Giles romanization  Jen-min Jih-pao 

      daily newspaper published in Beijing as the official organ of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. The paper was established in 1948, toward the end of China's civil war, and has been based in Beijing since 1949.

      Renmin Ribao carries serious, politically oriented articles and numerous speeches and reports by government or party leaders. News about these leaders is always carried on the front page. The newspaper's contents reflect official policy, and it is read throughout China by many times its circulation, which by the end of the 20th century was about three million. Before the 1980s, copies of the paper were posted for public view in display cases at street intersections, and articles were frequently read at local party meetings, reprinted in local newspapers, or quoted in Radio Beijing programs. Village schools often placed quotations from the paper on bulletin boards.

      Renmin Ribao editorials deal with such subjects as politics and culture, communist theory and philosophy, and Marxist economics. In the days of the Cultural Revolution, they reflected the anti-intellectual climate of that period; after Mao Zedong's death, the editorials exposed the activities of the Gang of Four and pointed the way to the pragmatic policies of Mao's successors. More social and economic news has appeared in the paper since that time. Regional editions carrying some local news have been available since the 1990s. An overseas edition has been published since 1985, and in 1997 an Internet version of the paper was created, with translations in Russian, French, English, and Arabic.

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Universalium. 2010.

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