

labour organization, Japan
in full  Nihon Rōdō Kumiai Sōrengōkai  

      (Japanese:Japanese Trade Union Confederation”), the largest national labour confederation in Japan. Founded in 1989, it absorbed its predecessorsSohyo, Domei, Chūritsu Rōren, and othersand brought together both private- and public-sector unions. Ideologically moderate, Rengō aims to unify and mobilize noncommunist political opposition to the ruling and generally conservative Liberal-Democratic Party. Rengō works to coordinate collective bargaining at enterprise and industrial levels; to organize unorganized workers and reverse the ongoing decline in the percentage of workers unionized; and to merge industry-level union federations into a rational structure resembling Germany's Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund. In the late 20th century Rengō had nearly eight million members.

Solomon B. Levine

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Universalium. 2010.

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