

German secondary school
plural  Realschulen, 

      German secondary school with an emphasis on the practical that evolved in the mid-18th century as a six-year alternative to the nine-year Gymnasium. It was distinguished by its practical curriculum (natural science and chemistry) and use of chemistry laboratories and workshops for wood and glass. The realschule became the model for educational reformers in other countries.

      In 1859 realschulen were divided into first and second types, according to length of attendance and comprehensiveness of curriculum. The first type had a nine-year course of religion, Latin and modern languages, history and geography, and mathematics and science. It entitled its students to serve only one year of military service and made them eligible for some civil service appointments, but not until 1870 did it qualify them for university entrance. In 1882 the name of this school was officially changed to realgymnasium. The second type of realschule offered a six-year course and did not include Latin. With the creation of the realgymnasium, the course was expanded to nine years, and the prefix ober (high) was added (oberrealschule). In Germany, realschulen are also known as Mittelschulen.

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Universalium. 2010.

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