Rawlings, Jerry J.

Rawlings, Jerry J.

in full  Jerry John Rawlings  
born June 22, 1947, Accra, Ghana

      military and political leader in Ghana who twice (1979, 1981) overthrew the government and seized power. His second period of rule (19812001) afforded Ghana political stability and competent economic management.

      Rawlings was the son of a Scottish father and a Ghanaian mother. He was educated at Achimoto College and the military academy at Teshie. He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Ghanaian Air Force in 1969 and became a flight lieutenant and expert pilot, skilled in aerobatics. In June 1979 Rawlings and other junior officers led a successful military coup with the purported aim of purging the military and public life of widespread corruption. He and his Armed Forces Revolutionary Council ruled for 112 days, during which time the former heads of state, General Ignatius Kutu Acheampong (Acheampong, Ignatius Kutu) and General Fred W.K. Akuffo, were tried and executed. Rawlings then yielded power to a freely elected civilian president, Hilla Limann, who promptly retired Rawlings from the air force.

      Rawlings continued to be a popular figure, however, and on December 31, 1981, after two years of weak civilian rule during which Ghana's economy continued to deteriorate, Rawlings overthrew Limann's government, accusing it of leading the nationdown to total economic ruin.” Rawlings established a Provisional National Defense Council as the new government and imprisoned Limann and some 200 other politicians. “Peoples' Defense Committeeswere set up in neighbourhoods, as were workers' councils to monitor production in factories. When the failure of these and other populist measures had become clear by 1983, Rawlings reversed course and adopted conservative economic policies, including dropping subsidies and price controls in order to reduce inflation, privatizing many state-owned companies, and devaluing currency in order to stimulate exports. These free-market measures sharply revived Ghana's economy, which by the early 1990s had one of the highest growth rates in Africa. In 1992, in the first presidential elections held in Ghana since 1979, Rawlings was chosen as president. He was reelected in 1996 and stepped down from the presidency in early 2001.

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