

      (Arabic:to stone,” orto curse”), in Islām, “casting of stonesat the devil during the pilgrimage (ajj) to Mecca, a pre-Islāmic Arabian religious custom retained by the Prophet Muḥammad (Muhammad). Historically, Muslim legalists did not agree on the number of stones to be cast or on the exact time for this rite among the other pilgrimage rites; Muḥammad himself reportedly stated that there was no harm in disregarding the traditional (pre-Islāmic) order of the pilgrimage ceremonies, probably to avoid reconciling differing tribal practices already in existence. Most Muslims, however, attempt to imitate the pilgrimage as completed by Muḥammad. On the 10th day of the Dhū al-Ḥijjah, the month of the ajj, they each throw seven small stones at a stone construction, al-jamrat al-ʿaqabah, which is identified by tradition as the site where the patriarch Ibrāhīm (Abraham) stoned Shayṭān (Satan). On the 11th, 12th, and 13th of the month, the ritual is repeated at all three jamrahs, these being stone towers located in the valley of Minā; each is pelted with seven stones every noon for the three days.

      Stones for the rajm should be found in their natural state, rather than broken from larger rocks; precious stones and stones made of gold and silver are forbidden as wasteful and dangerous. The stones may not be thrown violently and should be not much larger than a lentil so that no harm is caused if someone is struck by accident. Any stones that are collected but not used on the pilgrimage must subsequently be buried, for once they reach the sacred shrine in Mecca, they assume a sacred character.

      While the casting of stones at the devil symbolizes the expulsion of evil and the abandonment of worldly thoughts, it also serves to protect the pilgrim from evil when he returns to everyday life. Pious Muslims who encourage reciting religious formulas as each stone is thrown emphasize the spiritual meaning of rajm. They thus consider the practice not so much a symbolic cursing or punishing of the devil as a means of invoking the name of God.

      Rajm also signifies ritual stoning as a punishment for fornication and is used for the stones placed on a tomb as flagstones or piled in a heap, practices condemned in Islām.

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