Rafsanjani, Hashemi

Rafsanjani, Hashemi

president of Iran
in full  Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani,  also spelled  ʿAlī Akbar Hāshimī Rafsanjānī 
born 1934, Rafsanjān, Iran

      Iranian cleric and politician, who was president of Iran from 1989 to 1997.

      Rafsanjani was the son of a prosperous farmer in the town of Rafsanjān, in the Kermān region of Iran. He moved to the Shīʿite holy city of Qom in 1948 to pursue his religious studies, and in 1958 he became a disciple of Ruhollah Khomeini (Khomeini, Ruhollah). Rafsanjani became a hojatoleslām (from the Arabic ḥujjat al-Islām:proof of Islam”), the second highest Shīʿite Muslim rank (after that of ayatollah). Like Khomeini, he opposed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi)'s modernization program, and when Khomeini was exiled from Iran in 1962, Rafsanjani became his chief fund-raiser inside the country. He spent the years 197578 in jail in Iran on charges of links with left-wing terrorists.

      With the shah's overthrow and Khomeini's return to Iran in 1979, Rafsanjani became one of Khomeini's chief lieutenants. He helped found the Islamic Republican Party, served on the Revolutionary Council, and was acting interior minister during the early years of the revolution. He was also elected to the Majles (Islamic Consultative Assembly) in 1980, and he became that body's speaker the same year. As the dominant voice in the Majles for the next nine years, Rafsanjani gradually emerged as the second most powerful figure in Iran's government. He was intimately involved in Iran's prosecution of the Iran-Iraq War (198088), and he helped persuade Khomeini to agree to the cease-fire of August 1988 that effectively ended the war.

      After Khomeini's death in June 1989, Rafsanjani was elected Iran's president by an overwhelming margin in July. He quickly garnered increased powers for a previously weak executive office, and he showed considerable political skill in promoting his pragmatic policies in the face of resistance from Islamic hard-liners. Rafsanjani favoured reducing Iran's international isolation and renewing its ties with Europe as part of a strategy to use foreign investment and free enterprise to revive the country's war-torn economy. Domestically, he implemented family-planning practices, in effect reversing previous policies encouraging population growth. Although human rights abuses and the suppression of dissent continued, there was a degree of cultural openness under Rafsanjani, and a certain level of criticism was tolerated. Nevertheless, demonstrations and protests against the government in the early 1990s were harshly repressed.

      Rafsanjani was reelected in 1993, though his victory was not as overwhelming as in 1989; voter turnout was significantly lower, and he won only two-thirds of the votes in 1993 as compared with more than nine-tenths four years earlier. Barred by the constitution from serving a third consecutive term in office, Rafsanjani nevertheless remained active in political life, serving several terms as head of the Committee to Determine the Expediency of the Islamic Order, a body created to mediate disputes between the Majles and the Council of Guardians (see Iran: Deliberative bodies (Iran)).

      In the elections to the Majles in 2000, Rafsanjani initially fared poorlyhe finished 30th in Tehrān, capturing that city's final seat. However, the Council of Guardians contended that the election had been marred by fraud, and they ordered a recount; after numerous votes had been discounted and the candidates shuffled, Rafsanjani's position improved to 20th. This new outcome was criticized by many to be the result of manipulation, and Rafsanjani resigned his seat.

      Following Mohammad Khatami (Khatami, Mohammad)'s two-term presidency (19972005), Rafsanjani again sought the presidency in 2005. Although largely considered the favourite, Rafsanjani failed to secure a majority by a significant margin and was defeated by the mayor of Tehrān, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud), who was backed by the country's conservative establishment.

      In 2007 Rafsanjani was elected to lead the Assembly of Experts (Majles-e Khobregān), a body empowered to select the velāyat-e faqīh, Iran's supreme leader. Rafsanjani assumed his position at the head of this assembly while continuing to lead the Committee to Determine the Expediency of the Islamic Order.

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