

      Ecuadorian Indians of the Andean highlands at the time of the Spanish conquest. Although the highlands are still inhabited by persons of Indian descent, their linguistic, cultural, and tribal identity has been lost, so that there is no longer an identifiable Puruhá people. The Puruhá language is extinct, and there are no written records.

      At the time of the conquest the Puruhá were an agricultural people cultivating corn (maize), beans, squash, and potatoes. They also hunted. Their settlements, probably of mud-plastered houses with thatched roofs, were scattered over the mountainside. The Puruhá were skillful weavers of cotton and cabuya (maguey, or century-plant) fibres. Clothing consisted of a cotton tunic for men, as well as a blanket for warmth; the women's costume is not known.

      Their cohesive, rather feudal political system was organized under local chieftains and a regional king. They believed that two local volcanoes, Chimborazo and Tungurahua, were their divine ancestors, and they offered human sacrifices to Chimborazo.

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