
/chim'beuh rah"zoh, -ray"-/; Sp. /cheem'baw rddah"saw/, n.
a volcano in central Ecuador, in the Andes. 20,702 ft. (6310 m).

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Mountain peak, Ecuador.

The highest peak in the Andean Cordillera Real, elevation 20,702 ft (6,310 m), it was once thought to be the highest in the Andes Mountains (see Mount Aconcagua). An active volcano, it is heavily glaciated. Many attempted to climb it in the 18th and 19th centuries, but the summit was not reached until 1880, by the English mountaineer Edward Whymper.

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 mountain peak, central Ecuador, in the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes. Rising to 20,702 ft (6,310 metres), it is the highest peak of Ecuador and was long mistakenly thought to be the highest mountain of the Andes. An inactive volcano with many craters, it is heavily glaciated. From about 15,400 ft (4,700 metres), the mountain is capped with eternal snow. Many attempts were made to climb Chimborazo in the 18th and 19th centuries; the first to reach the summit was the British mountaineer Edward Whymper (Whymper, Edward), who climbed the peak twice in 1880. The geographer and traveler Alexander von Humboldt (Humboldt, Alexander von) reached 19,286 ft (5,878 metres) in 1802.

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