production system

production system


      any of the methods used in industry to create goods and services from various resources.

Underlying principles
      All production systems, when viewed at the most abstract level, might be said to betransformation processes”—processes that transform resources into useful goods and services. The transformation process typically uses common resources such as labour, capital (for machinery and equipment, materials, etc.), and space (land, buildings, etc.) to effect a change. Economists call these resources thefactors of productionand usually refer to them as labour, capital, and land. Production managers refer to them as thefive M's: men, machines, methods, materials, and money.

      When viewed as a process, a production system may be further characterized by flows (channels of movement) in the process: both the physical flow of materials, work in the intermediate stages of manufacture (work in process), and finished goods; and the flow of information and the inevitable paperwork that carry and accompany the physical flow. The physical flows are subject to the constraints of the capacity of the production system, which also limits the system's ability to meet output expectations. Similarly, the capacity of the information-handling (information processing) channel of the production system may also be an important measure of a system's output. The management of information flows, or the planning and control of the system to achieve acceptable outputs, is an important task of the production manager.

      While the capacity of the system is the major factor in determining whether output expectations can be met, the additional consideration of quality must also be seen as a limiting factor. The quality of a product, measured against some objective standard, includes appearance, performance characteristics, durability, serviceability, and other physical characteristics; timeliness of delivery; cost; appropriateness of documentation and supporting materials; and so on. It is an important part of the definition of a system.

Types of production systems
      There are three common types of basic production systems: the batch system, the continuous system, and the project system. In the batch system, general-purpose equipment and methods are used to produce small quantities of output (goods or services) with specifications that vary greatly from one batch to the next. A given quantity of a product is moved as a batch through one or more steps, and the total volume emerges simultaneously at the end of the production cycle. Examples include systems for producing specialized machine tools or heavy-duty construction equipment, specialty chemicals, and processed food products, or, in the service sector, the system for processing claims in a large insurance company. Batch production systems are often referred to as job shops.

      In the continuous system (assembly line), items to be processed flow through a series of steps, or operations, that are common to most other products being processed. Since large volumes of throughput are expected, specially designed equipment and methods are often used so that lower production costs can be achieved. Frequently the tasks handled by workers are divided into relatively small segments that can be quickly mastered and efficiently performed. Examples include systems for assembling automobile engines and automobiles themselves, as well as other consumer products such as televisions, washing machines, and personal computers. Continuous production systems are often referred to as assembly systems or assembly line systems and, as noted below, are common in mass production operations.

      The two types of systems mentioned thus far are often found in combination. In the production of integrated circuits for electronic equipment, for example, thousands of circuits are processed as a batch on several large slices of silicon crystal through dozens, or even hundreds, of processing steps. The tiny circuits, each only a few millimetres on a side, are then separated and individually assembled with other circuit elements on a continuous line to produce the final product.

      The third type of production system is the project, orone-shotsystem. For a single, one-of-a-kind product, for example, a building, a ship, or the prototype of a product such as an airplane or a large computer, resources are brought together only once. Because of the singular nature of project systems, special methods of management have been developed to contain the costs of production within reasonable levels.

Important considerations
      Once the general specifications of a production system have been agreed upon, including precise definitions of needed resources and output expectations, three important decisions remain. First, industrial engineers, production managers, and other specialists must choose and design the technology to be used. Their decisions must include the choice of equipment and tooling, the layout of plant space and facilities, the selection of workers and work procedures, and many other aspects of process design. These choices must be handled carefully; mistakes at this early stage can result in a business losing its competitiveness or the ability to sustain a profitable position in the market.

      Next, given a choice of technology, the capacity of the system must be determined. The capacity of the system is designed to be a function of the amount of available capital, the demand forecast for the output of the facility, and many other minor factors. Again, these decisions must be made wisely. Establishing too much capacity, too soon, can burden a company with excess costs and inefficient operations. Too little capacity can make it difficult and expensive to increase output later if the market develops rapidly; this can place a company at a significant cost disadvantage if other competitors, with larger facilities, produce a product at a lower cost or with more consistent quality.

      Finally, given a basic commitment to capacity, decisions must be made on the adaptability of the production volume to meet the inevitable changes in market demand that the firm will experience. Capacity in most production systems is adjusted by hiring or firing workers, by scheduling overtime or cutting back on work hours, by adding or shutting down machines or whole departments or areas of the facility, or by changing the rate of production within reasonable limits. The effectiveness of any one of these adjustment mechanisms depends largely on the technological constraints of the process itself, the economics of the industry, and the nature of the competition. In some industries, adjustment of capacity is a very difficult task. Assembly lines with specialized equipment, for example, are most efficient when run at one speed and cannot be slowed down or run intermittently without severe economic losses. In such cases, careful attention to the fundamental design of the production system is a critical factor in the overall success of the business.

Morris Tanenbaum William K. Holstein

Additional Reading
Two handbooks contain a wealth of general information on industrial production systems, methods, problems, and management techniques: Gordon B. Carson, Harold A. Bolz, and Hewitt H. Young (eds.), Production Handbook, 3rd ed. (1972); and H.B. Maynard (ed.), Industrial Engineering Handbook, 3rd ed. (1971). See also Franklin G. Moore and Thomas E. Hendrick, Production/Operations Management, 8th ed. (1980), a classic textbook covering a wide range of topics in nontechnical language; and Harwood F. Merrill (ed.), Classics in Management, rev. ed. (1970), an excellent collection of excerpts from the writings of several pioneers in industrial production, including Frederick W. Taylor, Henri Fayol, and Frank B. and Lillian M. Gilbreth. Two general texts that cover many aspects of the general field treated in this article are Elwood S. Buffa, Modern Production/Operations Management, 7th ed. (1983); and Richard B. Chase and Nicholas Acquilano, Production and Operations Management: A Life Cycle Approach, 4th ed. (1985).Various aspects of systems and control are dealt with in B.H. Amstead, Phillip F. Ostwald, and Myron L. Begeman, Manufacturing Processes: SI Version, 7th ed. (1979); Michael Peters and Terence Oliva, Operations and Production Management (1981); and James H. Greene, Production and Inventory Control, rev. ed. (1974), and Operations Management: Productivity and Profit (1984).Early studies of the organization of human effort for production are treated in classics of the 18th and 19th centuries, including Academie des Sciences, Paris, Descriptions des arts et métiers, 45 vol. (176189); Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776, reissued 1981); and Charles Babbage, On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures, 4th ed. enlarged (1835, reprinted 1971).Historical views of developments leading to modern mass production methods are J.K. Finch, Engineering and Western Civilization (1951), The Story of Engineering (1960); and Friedrich Klemm, A History of Western Technology (1959, reissued 1964; originally published in German, 1954). Technical descriptions of mass production techniques are given by E. Paul Degarmo, J. Temple Black, and Ronald A. Kohser, Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, 6th ed. (1984). The classical technical works on time and motion studies in manufacturing are Frederick Winslow Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management (1911, reissued 1967); and Frank B. Gilbreth, Motion Study: A Method for Increasing the Efficiency of the Workman (1911, reprinted 1972). Ralph M. Barnes, Motion and Time Study, 7th ed. (1980), describes modern industrial engineering methods; Ernest J. McCormick, Human Factors in Engineering and Design, 5th ed. (1982), provides a broad study of the physiological aspects of engineering design. Trevor I. Williams, A Short History of Twentieth-Century Technology c. 1900c. 1950 (1982), is a good overview; Otto Mayr and Robert C. Post (eds.), Yankee Enterprise: The Rise of the American System of Manufactures: A Symposium (1981), is a treatment of mass production revolution; Daniel Nelson, Frederick W. Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management (1980), is a study of the development of Taylor's ideas; Ira C. Magaziner and Robert B. Reich, Minding America's Business: The Decline and Rise of the American Economy (1982, reissued 1983), is an account of specific problems.Books written about human and societal problems and adjustments to the industrial milieu include R. Burlingame, Backgrounds of Power: The Human Story of Mass Production (1949), a popular history and commentary; William A. Faunce, Problems of an Industrial Society, 2nd ed. (1981), on the sociological effects; and Harvey Swados, On the Line (1957, reissued 1978), about the problems of assembly line work. Others have focused on the problems of individuals and how they may be approached. Among these are William J. Dickson and F.J. Roethlisberger, Counseling in an Organization (1966); Robert N. Ford, Motivation Through the Work Itself (1969); Frederick Herzberg, Work and the Nature of Man (1966, reprinted 1973); and Charles R. Walker and Robert H. Guest, The Man on the Assembly Line (1952, reprinted 1979).

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