

Greek historian
born c. 430 BC, Syracuse, Sicily [Italy]
died 356

      Greek historian of Sicily during the reigns of the tyrants Dionysius I and Dionysius II.

      Philistus helped Dionysius I to seize power in Syracuse in 405 BC and then became his right-hand man and commander of the citadel in Ortygia. He was later exiled (386/385) for unknown reasons but was recalled after 20 years by Dionysius II at the time of Plato's first visit to his court. He was a strong opponent of the reform of Plato and Plato's Syracusan friend Dion. Philistus held high command first in the Adriatic and later at home. He died, perhaps by suicide, in the revolt of 356, which expelled Dionysius from Syracuse.

      During his exile, spent mostly in Epirus, he began his history, which ultimately totaled 13 books, seven on Sicilian affairs before 405, four on the reign of Dionysius I, and two on the early years of Dionysius II (367363). It was continued by the Syracusan Athanas. His history clearly became a standard work, used by Ephorus in his Sicilian sections and also by Timaeus and Plutarch, writers who disliked his pro-monarchical viewpoint. He was known as an imitator of Thucydides, both stylistically and in the quality of his critical views.

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