

Greek historian
born c. 405 BC, Cyme, Aeolis
died 330 BC

      Greek historian, the author of the first universal history (historiography), who, despite his defects, was esteemed in Classical times and is considered the best of the historians writing in his period.

      According to uncertain tradition, Ephorus was the pupil of Isocrates, whose school rivaled Plato's Academy (Platonic Academy) in fame. Ephorus' Historiai (History), his major work, was completed with a 30th book added by his son Demophilus, who edited the entire work. It begins with the return of the Heracleidae to Peloponnesus and ends with the siege of Perinthus (340) by Philip II of Macedon (Philip II), with a further extension in the 30th book which centres on the Second Sacred War of 355346. Ephorus was the first historian to divide his work into books, to each of which he wrote a preface, and he treated his material under subject headings rather than chronologically. The work shows a critical historical sense: Ephorus usually (though not always) distinguished clearly between the mythical and the historical and recognized that any account of far-distant history that is too detailed should be viewed with some suspicion. The influential 3rd-century-BC Greek historian and statesman Polybius praised him as the first universal historian for his synoptic view of both Greek and Middle Eastern history.

      Ephorus' work was used as a source by Diodorus Siculus, whose chronological blunders arise in part from trying to reproduce him in annalistic form. Polybius gave Ephorus credit for knowledge of naval warfare conditions but belittled his descriptions of certain land operations.

      Several other works have been attributed to Ephorus, including a treatise on discoveries, another on the history and antiquities of Cyme, and an essay on style.

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