Pétion, Alexandre Sabès

Pétion, Alexandre Sabès

president of Haiti
born April 2, 1770, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
died March 29, 1818, Port-au-Prince

      Haitian independence leader and president, remembered by the Haitian people for his liberal rule and by South Americans for his support of Simón Bolívar during the struggle for independence from Spain.

      The son of a wealthy French colonist and a mulatto, Pétion served in the French colonial army before the French Revolution and then joined the revolutionary troops of Toussaint Louverture and, later, those of the mulatto general André Rigaud. Fleeing to France after Toussaint defeated Rigaud, who had set up a mulatto state in the southern provinces, Pétion returned in 1802 with the French army sent to reconquer the colony but then became one of the first Haitian officers to revolt against France. In 1806 he was a leader in the revolt against the rule of Jean-Jacques Dessalines (Dessalines, Jean-Jacques), who had played a major role in 1803 in ousting the French. When, after Dessalines' death, Henry Christophe (Christophe, Henry) set up a separate state in northern Haiti, Pétion was elected president of southern Haiti in 1807. He was re-elected in 1811 and made president for life in 1816.

      Influenced by ideals of French liberalism, Pétion divided the large plantations into small lots, giving one to each of his soldiers. Freed from the burden of producing a surplus for the plantation owners, the people produced only enough for their own needs, and the resulting slowdown in the economy led to galloping inflation. Pétion's regime was also marked by continual struggles with Christophe and with dissident generals in his own country.

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