Paschal (I)

Paschal (I)

died , 692, Italy

      antipope against both the rival antipope Theodore and the legitimate pope St. Sergius I (Sergius I, Saint) during 687.

      After the death of Pope Conon in September 687, the Roman populace proceeded to enthrone both Paschal, then an archdeacon, and the archpriest Theodore. No agreement could be reached, and neither Paschal nor Theodore would renounce their claims. To resolve the dispute, the higher clergy, supported by the Roman army, elected the priest Sergius. Among those who supported Sergius was Paschal's patron, John Platyn, the imperial deputy at Ravenna; having been bribed by Paschal into influencing his original nomination, Platyn was also bribed with gold to support Sergius, who was consecrated on Dec. 15, 687. Theodore ceded, but Paschal refused to submit and was deposed and imprisoned in a monastery until his death.

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Universalium. 2010.

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