
/thee'euh dawr', -dohr'/, n.
a male given name: from a Greek word meaning "gift of God."

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(as used in expressions)
Agnew Spiro Theodore
Avery Oswald Theodore
Delacour Jean Theodore
Delius Frederick Theodore Albert
Dreiser Theodore Herman Albert
Ely Richard Theodore
Frelinghuysen Frederick Theodore
Holst Gustavus Theodore von
Indy Paul Marie Theodore Vincent d'
Kaczynski Theodore
Kármán Theodore von
Theodore Navarro
Roethke Theodore
Theodore Walter Rollins
Roosevelt Theodore
Seaborg Glenn Theodore
Theodore of Canterbury Saint
Weld Theodore Dwight
White Theodore Harold
Theodore Samuel Williams
Theodore Shaw Wilson

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flourished 7th century, Italy

      antipope from September 21 to December 15, 687.

      A Roman archpriest, Theodore had already been a papal candidate when Pope John V (685–686) died. Following the death of John's successor, Pope Conon (686–687), a simultaneous double election conducted by opposing factions attempted to enthrone Theodore and his rival, the antipope Paschal (Paschal (I)), then a Roman archdeacon. Soon another election established Sergius I (Sergius I, Saint) (687–701) as the legitimate pontiff. Theodore submitted instantly and acknowledged Sergius, but Paschal refused to yield.

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