

SanskritFive TreatisesorFive Chaptersalso spelled  Pancatantra  

      collection of Indian animal fables, which has had extensive circulation both in the country of its origin and throughout the world. In Europe the work was known under the name The Fables of Bidpai (for the narrator, an Indian sage, Bidpai, called Vidyapati in Sanskrit), and one version reached the West as early as the 11th century.

      In theory, the Panchatantra is intended as a textbook of niti (“policy,” especially for kings and statesmen); the aphorisms tend to glorify shrewdness and cleverness rather than altruism. The original text is a mixture of Sanskrit prose and stanzas of verse, with the stories contained within one of the five frame stories. The introduction, which acts as an enclosing frame for the entire work, attributes the stories to a learned Brahmin named Vishnusharman, who used the form of animal fables to instruct the three dull-witted sons of a king.

      The original Sanskrit work, now lost, may have come into being at any time between 100 BC and AD 500. It was translated into Pahlavi (Middle Persian) by the Persian royal physician Burzoe in the 6th century. Although this work also is lost, a Syriac translation of it has survived, together with the famous Arabic translation by Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ (d. AD 760), known as Kalīlah wa Dimnah, after the two jackals that figure in the first story. The Kalīlah wa Dimnah led to various other versions, including a second Syriac version and an 11th-century version in Greek, the Stephanites kai Ichnelates, from which translations were made into Latin and various Slavic languages. It was the 12th-century Hebrew version of Rabbi Joel, however, that became the source of most European versions.

      The 17th-century Turkish translation, the Humayun-namah, was based on a 15th-century Persian version, the Anwār-e Suhaylī. The Panchatantra stories also traveled to Indonesia through Old Javanese written literature and possibly through oral versions. In India the Hitopadesha (“Good Advice”), composed by Narayana in the 12th century and circulated mostly in Bengal, appears to be an independent treatment of the Panchatantra material.

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