

ancient kingdom, Mesopotamia, Asia
also spelled  Osrhoene,  

      ancient kingdom in northwestern Mesopotamia, located between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and lying across the modern frontier of Turkey and Syria. Its capital was Edessa (Şanlıurfa) (modern Urfa, Tur.). The name of the kingdom appears to have been ultimately derived from a certain Osroes of Orhai, who founded the state about 136 BC. Although Osroes was probably of Iranian origin, the rulers after him were Arabs.

      Osroëne commanded the strategic eastwest highway that followed the southern edge of the Kurdish plateau; it also controlled part of the trade route from Anatolia to Mesopotamia known as the old Persian Royal Road. Osroëne was, therefore, in a strong position during wars between Rome and Parthia from the 1st century BC to the 2nd century AD, and it formed alliances at different times with one or the other. Finally, the Roman emperor Trajan deposed Abgar VII, king of Osroëne, after quelling a Mesopotamian revolt of AD 116, and foreign princes occupied the throne. In AD 123, however, Maʿnu VII, brother of Abgar, became king under the protection of the emperor Hadrian. Thereafter the state maintained some autonomy until 216, when the emperor Caracalla occupied Edessa and abolished the kingdom.

      Under its Arab dynasties, Osroëne became increasingly influenced by Aramaic culture and was a centre of national reaction against Hellenism. By the 5th century Edessa had become the headquarters of Chaldean Syriac literature and learning. In 608 Osroëne was taken by the Sāsānid Khosrow II, and in 638 it fell to the Muslims.

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