Ohlin, Bertil

Ohlin, Bertil

Swedish economist
in full  Bertil Gotthard Ohlin 
born April 23, 1899, Klippan, Sweden
died August 3, 1979, Vålädalen

      Swedish economist and political leader who is known as the founder of the modern theory of the dynamics of trade. In 1977 he shared the Nobel Prize for Economics with James Meade (Meade, James Edward).

      Ohlin studied at the University of Lund and at Stockholm University under Eli Heckscher (Heckscher, Eli Filip). He developed an early interest in international trade and presented a thesis on trade theory in 1922. Ohlin studied for a period at both the University of Oxford and Harvard University; at the latter institution he was influenced by Frank Taussig (Taussig, Frank William) and John H. Williams (Williams, John Henry). He obtained his doctorate from Stockholm University in 1924 and the following year became a professor at the University of Copenhagen. In 1930 he succeeded Heckscher at Stockholm University. At this time Ohlin became engaged in a controversy with John Maynard Keynes (Keynes, John Maynard), contradicting the latter's view that Germany could not pay war reparations. Ohlin saw reparations as nothing more than large international transfers of buying power. By 1936 Keynes had come around to Ohlin's earlier view. Their debate over reparations contributed to modern theories of unilateral international payments.

      In 1933 Ohlin published a work that won him world renown, Interregional and International Trade. In it Ohlin combined work by Heckscher with approaches formed in his own doctoral thesis. He established a theory of international trade that is now known as the Heckscher-Ohlin theory. The Heckscher-Ohlin theorem states that if two countries produce two goods and use two factors of production (say, labour and capital) to produce these goods, each will export the good that makes the most use of the factor that is most abundant. The theorem also provided the basis for Ohlin's later work on the consequences of protecting real wages. As a member of the Stockholm school of economists, Ohlin also developed, from foundations laid by Knut Wicksell (Wicksell, Knut), a theoretical treatment of macroeconomic (macroeconomics) policy. His work on the importance of aggregate demand anticipated later work by Keynes.

      Ohlin served as head of the Liberal Party in Sweden from 1944 to 1967. He was a member of the Riksdag (parliament) from 1938 to 1970 and was minister of commerce (194445) in Sweden's wartime government.

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