

      city, Baden-Württemberg Land (state), southwestern Germany. It is situated in the Kinzig River valley, at the western edge of the Black Forest (Schwarzwald), southeast of Strasbourg, France. First mentioned in 1101, it was founded by the Zähringen margraves on the site of a Roman settlement and was a free imperial city from 1289 to 1802. In 184649 it was a centre of the revolutionary movement in Baden. The economic centre of the Ortenau wine- and fruit-growing district, Offenburg is a road and rail junction with printing, structural-steel, machinery, electrical, and textile industries. Tourism is also important. Gothic and Baroque buildings and remains of the old fortifications are preserved in the city. From nearby Staufenberg Castle, atop the Durbach (1,257 feet [383 metres]), one can see the cathedral at Strasbourg, 10 miles (16 km) northwest. Pop. (2003 est.) 58,888.

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