imperial city

imperial city

also called  Free Imperial City,  German  Reichsstadt, or Freie Reichsstadt,  

      any of the cities and towns of the Holy Roman Empire that were subject only to the authority of the emperor, or German king, on whose demesne (personal estate) the earliest of them originated. The term freie Reichsstadt, or Free Imperial City, was sometimes used interchangeably with Reichsstadt but was rightly applied to only seven cities—Basel, Strasbourg (Strassburg), Speyer, Worms, Mainz, Cologne, and Regensburg—which had won independence from ecclesiastical lords and thus obtained a position indistinguishable from that of the Reichsstadt.

      In the European Middle Ages many other places won the coveted position of Reichsstadt. Some gained the status by gift and others by purchase; some won it by force of arms, others usurped it during times of anarchy. There were many more free towns in southern than in northern Germany. Some free towns fell into the hands of various princes of the empire, and others placed themselves voluntarily under such protection. Mainz was conquered and subjected to the archbishop in 1462. Some towns, such as Trier, declined independence because of the inescapable financial burdens. When Trier later tried to reassert its position as an imperial city, the emperor in 1580 assigned the city explicitly to the archbishop. Similarly Donauwörth in 1607–08 was handed over to Bavaria by the emperor's judgment. Other free towns were separated from the empire by conquest. Besançon passed into the possession of Spain in 1648; Basel had already thrown in its lot with the Swiss Confederation, while Strasbourg, Colmar, Haguenau, and other free towns were seized by Louis XIV of France.

      Meanwhile the free towns had been winning valuable privileges in addition to those they already possessed, and the more wealthy among them, such as Lübeck, Nürnberg, and Augsburg, were practically imperia in imperio, waging war and making peace, and ruling their people without any outside interference. But they had also learned that union is strength. They formed alliances among themselves, both for offense and for defense, and these leagues (Städtebünde) had an important influence on the course of German history from the 13th to the 15th century. The right of the free towns to be represented in the imperial diet was formally recognized in 1489 at the diet of Frankfurt, and about the same time, they divided themselves into two groups, or benches, the Rhenish and the Swabian. By the Peace of Westphalia (Westphalia, Peace of) in 1648 they were formally constituted as the third college of the diet and later as the third estate of the empire. A list drawn up in 1422 mentions 75 free cities, and another drawn up in 1521 mentions 84, but at the time of the French Revolution in 1789 the number had decreased to 51.

      The internal constitutions of different imperial cities varied, but all of them were ruled by a town council (Rat) of a generally oligarchic composition, sometimes confined to a small number of patrician families, and sometimes diluted by the entry of representatives of the trade guilds.

      During the Napoleonic era the number of Reichsstädte was radically reduced. When the German Confederation was established in 1815, only Hamburg, Lübeck, Bremen, and Frankfurt were recognized as free cities, and the first three continued to hold that position in the later German Empire; but after the war of 1866 Frankfurt am Main was forcibly incorporated in the newly formed Hesse-Nassau province of Prussia. Hitler incorporated Lübeck in the Prussian province (after 1946 the state) of Schleswig-Holstein in 1937; only Hamburg and Bremen survive as independent entities in the form of German Lander (“states”).

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Universalium. 2010.

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