Noriega, Manuel

Noriega, Manuel

Panamanian military leader
in full  Manuel Antonio Noriega Morena  
born Feb. 11, 1938, Panama City, Pan.

      Panamanian military leader, commander of the Panamanian Defense Forces (198389), who, for the years of his command, was the actual power behind the civilian president.

      Noriega was born into a poor family of Colombian extraction. Educated at one of the top high schools in Panama, he was awarded a scholarship to the Chorrillos Military School in Lima. Upon his return to Panama, he was commissioned a sublieutenant in the National Guard and stationed in Colón, where he rose through the ranks and became acquainted with Captain Omar Torrijos (Torrijos, Omar). Noriega participated in the military coup that toppled the government of Arnulfo Arias and paved the way for Torrijos's rise to power. Noriega was instrumental in defeating a later coup attempt to unseat Torrijos. For his loyalty, Noriega was promoted to lieutenant colonel and was named chief of military intelligence, in which position he established contact with the U.S. intelligence service. His assistance to Richard Nixon's administrationhelping, for example, to obtain the release of two American freighter crews from Havanawas coloured by persistent reports of his involvement in drug trafficking. As the head of the Panamanian intelligence service, Noriega also was known for the tactics of intimidation and harassment that he used against opposition groups and their leaders; by the late 1970s he was considered to be the most feared man in Panama. When Torrijos died in a plane crash in 1981, Noriega vied with other military and civilian leaders to gain the upper hand. In 1983 he succeeded to the command of the National Guard, unified the armed forces into the Panamanian Defense Forces, and promoted himself to the rank of general.

      Charges against Noriega mounted in the mid-1980s over events connected with the blatant and brutal murder of Hugo Spadafora, a vocal opponent. Further evidence of the laundering of drug money and the sale of restricted American technology and information brought an inevitable conflict with the U.S. government to a head, particularly in light of the imminent transfer of power agreed upon in the Panama Canal Treaty. In 1989 Noriega canceled the presidential elections and attempted to rule through a puppet government. After a military coup against Noriega failed, the United States invaded Panama. He sought and was given refuge in the Vatican nunciature (embassy) in Panama City, where he remained for 10 days while a U.S. Army psychological warfare team blasted rock music at the building. Noriega finally surrendered to the United States on Jan. 3, 1990, and was then transported to Miami, where he was arraigned on a host of criminal charges. In 1992 in a U.S. federal court, he was convicted of cocaine trafficking, racketeering, and money laundering. He received a 40-year sentence, but his jail term was later reduced. Having served some 17 years, Noriega completed his sentence on Sept. 9, 2007. He remained in prison, however, as he appealed his extradition to France, where in 1999 he had been tried in absentia and convicted of money laundering and other crimes.

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Universalium. 2010.

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