- Nordenskjöld, Otto
▪ Swedish explorerborn Dec. 6, 1869, Småland, Swedendied June 2, 1928, GöteborgSwedish geographer and explorer whose expedition to the Antarctic was distinguished by the volume of its scientific findings.A nephew of the scientist-explorer Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, he became a lecturer in mineralogy and geology at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, in 1894 and led a geologic expedition to southern South America (1895–97). His findings in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego formed an important contribution to world glacial geology. On Oct. 16, 1901, he sailed aboard the Antarctic from Göteborg and the following February established an Antarctic station on Snow Hill Island off Graham Coast, where he wintered with five companions. Their ship, which had wintered at the island of South Georgia, 54° S and due east of Tierra del Fuego, was crushed in the pack ice when it returned to relieve them in February 1903. Nordenskjöld's party was again forced to winter in the Antarctic until rescued by the Argentine vessel Uruguay in November 1903.Nordenskjöld published his extensive findings in Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der schwedischen Südpolar-expedition 1901–1903 (1905–20; “Scientific Results of the Swedish South Polar Expedition 1901–1903”). He subsequently became professor of geography (1905) and first rector of advanced commercial studies (1923) at the University of Göteborg.
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Universalium. 2010.