Naevius, Gnaeus

Naevius, Gnaeus

Roman writer
born c. 270 BC, , Capua, Campania [Italy]
died c. 200 BC, , Utica [now in Tunisia]

      second of a triad of early Latin epic poets and dramatists, between Livius Andronicus (Livius Andronicus, Lucius) and Ennius. He was the originator of historical plays (fabulae praetextae) that were based on Roman historical or legendary figures and events. The titles of two praetextae are known, Romulus and Clastidium, the latter celebrating the victory of Marcus Claudius Marcellus in 222 and probably produced at his funeral games in 208.

      During 30 years of competition with Livius, Naevius produced half a dozen tragedies and more than 30 comedies, many of which are known only by their titles. Some were translated from Greek plays, and, in adapting them, he created the Latin fabula palliata (from pallium, a type of Greek cloak), perhaps being the first to introduce song and recitative, transferring elements from one play into another, and adding variety to the metre. He incorporated his own critical remarks on Roman daily life and politics, the latter leading to his imprisonment and perhaps exile. Many of the comedies used the stereotypes of character and plot and the apt and colourful language that would later be characteristic of Plautus. Tarentilla, one of his most famous plays, clearly foreshadows the Plautine formula with its vivid portrayal of Roman lowlife, intrigue, and love relationships.

      Naevius chronicled the events of the First Punic War (264261) in his Bellum Poenicum, relying for facts upon his own experience in the war and on oral tradition at Rome. The scope of the tale and the forceful diction qualify it as an epic, showing a marked advance in originality beyond the Odusia of Livius and making it a probable influence upon the Annales of Ennius and on Virgil's Aeneid.

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Universalium. 2010.

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