Nābighah al-Dhubyānī, al-
- Nābighah al-Dhubyānī, al-
▪ Arab poet
in full Ziyād ibn Muʿāwiyah al-Nābighah al-Dhubyānī
flourished c. 600
Islamic Arab poet,
the first great court poet of Arabic literature.
His works were among those collected in the Muʿallaqāt (Muʿallaqāt, Al-).
Nābighah belonged to the tribe of Dhubyān.
The origin of his name (“
The Genius of Dhubyān”)
is uncertain,
as are details of his early life.
He lived in luxury and favour for many years at the court of the Lakhmid Arab kings of al-
Ḥīrah in Iraq,
incurring the jealousy of the other courtiers.
According to one story,
which seems to be supported by his later poetry,
his enemies forged a satire against the king,
who was so enraged that Nābighah had to leave al-
Hīrah in great haste.
He moved to the court of the Ghassānids (
enemies of the Lakhmids,
in Syria.
Nābighah became a favourite of the court of Ghassān,
interceding several times on behalf of his tribesmen during their wars and defeats.
He never ceased to assert his innocence to Nuʿmān and eventually returned to al-
One of the most highly respected of the pre-Islamic poets, Nābighah possessed a grave and sensitive style, full of imagination and fine imagery. His verse, mainly eulogies and satires on tribal strife, displays an impressive command of language and its artifices.
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