

Hittite king
also spelled  Muwatallish  
flourished 13th century BC

       Hittite king during the New Kingdom (reigned c. 1320c. 1294 BC).

      Muwatallis was the son and successor of Mursilis II. Although Muwatallis' accession was unmarred by the customary flurry of revolts among the Hittite vassal states, a struggle with resurgent Egypt for the domination of Syria became imminent after Egypt reconquered Palestine and made the Orontes River in Syria the Egyptian-Hittite frontier. One of the great battles of the ancient world was fought at Kadesh (see Kadesh, Battle of) on the Orontes about 1300. Although the Egyptian king Ramses II claimed a great victory, the outcome was actually indecisive.

      During his protracted military operations in Syria, Muwatallis transferred his capital from Hattusas (Boğazköy in modern Turkey) to the more southerly city of Dattassa. In the meantime, his brother Hattusilis III fought with the Kaska in the north (the only troublesome Hittite satellite during Muwatallis' reign) and was installed as viceroy of theUpper Countryeast of Hattusas. Later, after Muwatallis' son, Urhi-Teshub (Mursilis III), succeeded him, Hattusilis revolted and seized the throne.

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Universalium. 2010.

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