
/kas"keuh/, n., pl. Kaskas, (esp. collectively) Kaska for 1.
1. a member of a group of North American Indians of northern British Columbia and southern Yukon Territory.
2. the Athabaskan language of the Kaska.
[after the Kaska name for McDame Creek in the Cassiar region of N British Columbia]

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ancient Anatolian people
also spelled  Kashku , or  Gasga 

      member of an ancient Anatolian people who inhabited the remote valleys between the northern border of the Hittite kingdom and the Black Sea. The Kaskans did not have a written language and did not build cities. They are known only through Hittite accounts, which describe them as weavers of linen and raisers of pigs. The Hittites and Kaskans launched repeated attacks on one another from about 1600 to about 1193 BC. The tribal organization and guerrilla tactics of the Kaskans prevented the Hittites from achieving a conclusive conquest in spite of numerous military campaigns. Mursilis II (reigned c. 1346c. 1320 BC) had to build a chain of forts across the northern Hittite border to defend against continual Kaskan raids. Kaskan pressure became so intense that the next king, Muwatallis (c. 1300 BC), had to abandon the capital city of Hattusas (Boğazköy), which the Kaskans may have sacked. The Kaskans were last mentioned as having fought Sargon II of Assyria about 700 BC.

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