Mulisch, Harry

Mulisch, Harry

Dutch author
in full  Harry Kurt Victor Mulisch 
born July 29, 1927, Haarlem, Neth.

      prolific Dutch author known chiefly for his clear, economical prose.

      Mulisch's maternal grandmother and great-grandmother died in German concentration camps (concentration camp), whereas his father was an official of a bank under German control; after World War II Mulisch's father was sent to prison as a collaborator. These early experiences equipped Mulisch to write about divided loyalties.

      Mulisch began writing when the war interrupted his studies. His first novel, Archibald Strohalm (1952), won a literary prize. His novel Het stenen bruidsbed (1959; The Stone Bridal Bed), in which an American pilot involved in the bombing of Dresden returns to the city years later, won him an international audience. Twee vrouwen (1975; Two Women; filmed 1979) explored love between two women. Perhaps his most popular work is his novel De aanslag (1982; The Assault; filmed 1985), in which one family betrays another during the war. The reason for that betrayal is revealed to the only surviving member of the betrayed family over the following 35 years.

      Many of Mulisch's works deal with the effects of war on the individual. Hoogste tijd (1985; Last Call) tells the story of an elderly actor who collaborated with the Nazis during the war. De ontdekking van de hemel (1992; The Discovery of Heaven; filmed 2001) increased Mulisch's international presence with its discussion of the theological questions raised by science. De procedure (1998; The Procedure) echoes the Jewish golem myth with the story of a scientist who creates life from crystals found in clay. Siegfried (2001) is an alternate history novel in which it is revealed to the main character that Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf) had a son with Eva Braun. (Braun, Eva) In addition to his many novels, Mulisch wrote plays, essays, short stories, and several books of poetry. De zaak 40/61 (1962; Criminal Case 40/61, the Trial of Adolf Eichman) details his experience watching the trial of the man who orchestrated the Holocaust.

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