

Japanese art
      (Japanese:heaped-up flowers”), in Japanese floral art, a style of arranging in which naturalistic landscapes are constructed in low dishlike vases. Developed by Ohara Unshin, founder of the Ohara school of floral art, moribana breaks with the rigid structural rules of classical floral art; it sometimes incorporates flowers imported from Western countries and uses the basic triangular principle of floral art in a three-dimensional (foreground, middle ground, and distance) way.

      In moribana the arranger conceives of the flat vase as four separate quarters: the part facing the room represents the south and summer; farthest away is the north and winter; the quarter to the right is the east and spring; to the left is west and autumn. He positions the arrangement in the dish according to the season represented; e.g., a winter arrangement of dried flowers is placed in the winter quarter, with the three remaining sections holding only water. One of the most popular branches of moribana is bonkei, the art of creating miniature landscape gardens. See also Ohara.

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