

Japanese writings

      Japanese works of fiction, especially those written from the Heian to the Muromachi periods (7941573).

      Monogatari developed from the storytelling of women at court. During the Heian period (7941185) men wrote in Chinese, and it was women who developed this form of Japanese prose. Some early monogatari, however, are believed to have been written by men under women's names. Records describe 11th-century literary competitions where women prepared short monogatari for an audience.

      The form has many subgenres. Uta monogatari (poem tales) are exemplified by the Ise monogatari (c. 980), consisting of 143 episodes, each containing one or more poems and a prose description of the circumstances of composition. Tsukuri monogatari (courtly romance) are exemplified by Murasaki Shikibu's incomparable masterpiece, Genji monogatari (Tale of Genji, The) (c. 1010). Perhaps the finest work in all of Japanese literature and the first important novel in the world, it tells of Prince Genji, remarkable not for his martial or political talents but for his amorous ones. The story is related in terms of the successive women Genji loves. Like other works of the genre, it incorporates poems and verse fragments.

      As the militaristic samurai came to power at the end of the 12th century, women lost favour, and gunki monogatari (military tales) developed as a subgenre. The most famous of the military tales is Heike monogatari, which describes the warfare between two families; its lengthy, varied text reflects its origins as an improvised story told by priest-entertainers. Later works told of medieval warlords and clan vendettas.

      Other types of monogatari include rekishi monogatari (historical tales), exemplified by the Ōkagami, and setsuwa monogatari (didactic tales) originating in Buddhist legends but in their secular form often humorous and earthy.

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