Monod, Jacques

Monod, Jacques

French biochemist
in full  Jacques Lucien Monod 
born Feb. 9, 1910, Paris, France
died May 31, 1976, Cannes

      French biochemist who, with François Jacob (Jacob, François), did much to elucidate how genes regulate cell metabolism by directing the biosynthesis of enzymes. The pair shared, along with André Lwoff (Lwoff, André), the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1965.

      In 1961 Jacob and Monod proposed the existence of a messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), a substance whose base sequence is complementary to that of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the cell. They postulated that the messenger carries theinformationencoded in the base sequence to ribosomes, the sites of protein synthesis; here the base sequence of the messenger RNA is translated into the amino acid sequence of a proteinaceous enzyme (biological catalyst).

      In advancing the concept of gene complexes that they called operons (operon), Jacob and Monod postulated the existence of a class of genes that regulate the function of other genes by affecting the synthesis of messenger RNA. For this work, which has been proved generally correct for bacteria, the two men were awarded a Nobel Prize.

      Monod's book-length essay Le Hasard et la nécessité (1970; Chance and Necessity) argued that the origin of life and the process of evolution are the result of chance. Monod joined the staff of the Pasteur Institute in Paris in 1945 and became its director in 1971.

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  • Monod , Jacques Lucien — (1910–1976) French biochemist Monod was born in Paris, and graduated from the university there in 1931; he became assistant professor of zoology in 1934, having spent the years immediately following his graduation investigating the origin of life …   Scientists

  • Monod,Jacques Lucien — Mo·nod (mô nōʹ), Jacques Lucien. 1910 1976. French biochemist. He shared a 1965 Nobel Prize for the study of regulatory activity in body cells. * * * …   Universalium

  • Monod, Jacques — ► (1910 76) Fisiólogo francés. Fue premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología en 1965, compartido con A. Lwoff y F. Jacob, por sus investigaciones sobre los mecanismos de regulación genética y síntesis de proteínas …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Monod, Jacques (Lucien) — born Feb. 9, 1910, Paris, France died May 31, 1976, Cannes French biochemist. In 1961 he and Francois Jacob proposed the existence of messenger RNA (mRNA), theorizing that the messenger carries the information encoded in the base sequence to the… …   Universalium

  • Monod, Jacques (Lucien) — (9 feb. 1910, París, Francia–31 may. 1976, Cannes). Bioquímico francés. En 1961 junto con Francois Jacob propusieron la existencia del ARN mensajero (mARN), especulando que el mensajero lleva la información codificada en la secuencia de bases a… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Monod — Monod, Jacques …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Jacques Monod — Born February 9, 1910(1910 02 09) Paris, France Died May 31, 1976(1976 05 31) (aged 66) Paris, France …   Wikipedia

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  • Jacques Lucien Monod — (* 9. Februar 1910 in Paris; † 31. Mai 1976 in Cannes) war ein französischer Biochemiker. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Ehrungen 3 Schriften 4 Weblinks …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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