Maura y Montaner, Antonio
- Maura y Montaner, Antonio
▪ prime minister of Spain
born May 2, 1853, Palma, Majorca, Spain
died December 13, 1925, Torrelodones
statesman and five-time prime minister of Spain whose vision led him to undertake a series of democratic reforms to prevent revolution and foster a constitutional monarchy. His tolerance and lack of knowledge of human nature, however, tended to obscure his otherwise brilliant political career.
Maura was elected to the Cortes (
Spanish parliament)
of 1881,
and in 1890 he became minister for the colonies in the Liberal cabinet of Práxedes Mateo Sagasta (
Sagasta, Práxedes Mateo).
He resigned when his reforms that would have granted autonomy to Cuba failed to pass (
as minister of the interior (
he conducted elections notable for their honesty.
That year he abandoned the Liberals and joined the Conservative Party.
Maura first became premier in December 1903 but resigned a year later in protest against what he thought was an attempt by King Alfonso XIII to seize personal power.
During his second tenure as premier in 1907–
Maura was able to pass some of his projects,
such as reforming local governments and making education compulsory.
his attempt to promote Spanish political influence and commercial interests in Morocco provoked the Rif War,
which set off a general strike (
July 1909)
and anticlerical violence in Barcelona.
After the execution of the propagandist Francisco Ferrer,
which provoked major protests across Europe,
many of Maura'
s followers adopted more authoritarian political positions,
but he never agreed formally to support them.
Although Maura reestablished the constitutional guarantees in Barcelona and Gerona,
he was forced to resign as prime minister in October.
In December 1912 Maura resigned his seat in the Cortes as well as his post of Conservative Party leader.
He headed three more short-
lived governments in periods of crisis: March–
November 1913,
July 1919,
and August 1921–
March 1922.
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Antonio Maura y Montaner — Antonio Maura Pour les articles homonymes, voir Maura et Montaner (homonymie). Antonio Maura Antonio Maura y Montaner, né à Palma de Majorque le 2 mai 1853 et mort le 13 décembre 1925 à Torrelodones … Wikipédia en Français
Maura y Montaner — Mạura y Montanẹr, Antonio, spanischer Politiker, * Palma de Mallorca 2. 5. 1853, ✝ Torrelodones (bei Madrid) 13. 2. 1925; Rechtsanwalt; wurde 1881 liberaler Abgeordneter, trat 1901 zu den Konservativen über, deren Führer er wurde; in den… … Universal-Lexikon
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Antonio Maura Montaner — Antonio Maura y Montaner Antonio Maura y Montaner (* 2. Mai 1853 in Palma de Mallorca; † 13. Dezember 1925 in Torrelodones (Madrid)) war ein spanischer Politiker und Ministerpräsident Spaniens (Presidente del Gobierno). Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Antonio Maura Montaner — Antonio Maura Pour les articles homonymes, voir Maura et Montaner (homonymie). Antonio Maura Antonio Maura y Montaner, né à Palma de Majorque le 2 mai 1853 et mort le 13 décembre 1925 à Torrelodones … Wikipédia en Français
Antonio Maura — y Montaner ( ca. Antoni Maura i Montaner; May 2, 1853 December 13, 1925) was Prime Minister of Spain on five separate occasions: December 6, 1903 December 16, 1904, January 25, 1907 January 21, 1909, March 22, 1918 November 9, 1918, April 14,… … Wikipedia
Antonio Maura — y Montaner (1853 1925). Estadista español, nacido en Palma de Mallorca y fallecido en Torrelodones (Madrid), que fue cinco veces Presidente del Gobierno. Después de ejercer como abogado inició su carrera política con la obtención de un acta de… … Enciclopedia Universal
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Antonio Maura — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Maura et Montaner (homonymie). Antonio Maura Antonio Maura y Montaner, né à Palma de Majorque le 2 mai 1853 et mort le 13 décembre 1925 à Torrelodones, près de Madrid, éta … Wikipédia en Français