Rif War

Rif War

▪ Spanish history
also called  War of Melilla , Rif also spelled  Riff 

      (1919–26), war fought between the Spanish and the Moroccan Rif and Jibala tribes.

      By the Treaty of Fez (1912), Spain had been awarded the mountainous zones around Melilla and Ceuta, in Morocco. The two zones had few, if any, roads and were separated by the Bay of Al-Hoceïma (Alhucemas), which made communications and development difficult. In 1920 the Spanish commissioner, General Dámaso Berenguer (Berenguer, Dámaso, conde de Xauen), decided to conquer the eastern zone's Jibala tribes and thus incorporate their lands into those already controlled by Spain. At the same time, he ordered Manuel Fernández Silvestre, commander of the western sector, to subdue the Rif tribes and their leader, Abd el-Krim. Berenguer's overall goal was to unite the two sectors. The forces of Abd el-Krim, however, inflicted a disastrous defeat on the Spanish troops, pushing them back to the walls of Melilla, and for five years sporadic warfare continued. Spanish losses were heavy, partly because of their ineffective leadership and partly because of their inadequate arms.

      In 1925 the French joined the war on the side of Spain and attacked from the south. The Spanish fleet secured the Bay of Al-Hoceïma and began an offensive from the north. Abd el-Krim, then leader of both the tribes, surrendered, and in 1926 the Spanish Sahara was decisively retaken.

      One of the Spanish generals who most distinguished himself in the Rif War was Francisco Franco (Franco, Francisco).

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Universalium. 2010.

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