

Italian agitator
byname of  Tommaso Aniello  
born June 1620, Naples [Italy]
died July 16, 1647, Naples
 leader of a popular insurrection in Naples against Spanish rule and oppression by the nobles.

      Masaniello was a young fisherman in 1647 when he was chosen to lead a protest against a new tax on fruit, levied by the nobility to raise money to pay the tribute demanded by Spain. The insurrection against the nobles was successful, but Masaniello became intoxicated and urged the people to slaughter the nobles. Shortly thereafter, he was murdered by assassins hired by the nobles. His brief, sensational career was the subject of an opera, La Muette de Portici (1828; also called Masaniello), by D.-F.-E. Auber and Eugène Scribe.

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