Martinson, Harry

Martinson, Harry

Swedish author
in full  Harry Edmund Martinson  
born May 6, 1904, Jämshög, Swed.
died Feb. 11, 1978, Stockholm

      Swedish novelist and poet who was the first self-taught, working-class writer to be elected to the Swedish Academy (1949). With Eyvind Johnson (Johnson, Eyvind) he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1974.

      Martinson spent his childhood in a series of foster homes and his youth and early adulthood as a merchant seaman, labourer, and vagrant. His first book of poetry, Spökskepp (“Ghost Ship”), much influenced by Rudyard Kipling's (Kipling, Rudyard) Seven Seas, appeared in 1929. His early experiences are described in two autobiographical novels, Nässlorna blomma (1935; Flowering Nettle) and Vägen ut (1936; “The Way Out”), and in original and sensitive travel sketches, Resor utan mål (1932; “Aimless Journeys”) and Kap Farväl (1933; Cape Farewell). Among his best-known works are Passad (1945; “Trade Wind”), a collection of poetry; Vägen till Klockrike (1948; The Road), a novel that sympathetically examines the lives of tramps and other social outcasts; and Aniara (1956; Aniara, A Review of Man in Time and Space), an epic poem about space travel that was turned into a successful opera in 1959 by Karl Birger Blomdahl. Martinson's language is lyrical, unconstrained, innovative, and sometimes obscure; his imagery, sensuous; his style, often starkly realistic or expressionistic; and his philosophy, primitivistic. He was married to another noted Swedish writer, Moa Martinson, from 1929 to 1940.

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  • Martinson, Harry — (1904 1978)    Generally recognized as one of the leading figures in 20th century Swedish literature, Martinson wrote poetry, novels, dramas, and essays, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1974. He was one of several self educated… …   Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater

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  • Martinson, Harry (Edmund) — born May 6, 1904, Jämshög, Swed. died Feb. 11, 1978, Stockholm Swedish novelist and poet. He spent his childhood in foster homes and his young adulthood as a merchant seaman, labourer, and vagrant. He described his early experiences in two… …   Universalium

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