Luṭfī al-Sayyid, Aḥmad

Luṭfī al-Sayyid, Aḥmad

▪ Egyptian journalist
born Jan. 15, 1872, Barqayn, Egypt
died March 5, 1963, Egypt

      journalist and lawyer, a leading spokesman for Egyptian modernism in the first half of the 20th century. Throughout his career he held a number of political and nonpolitical positions, including several academic posts.

      Luṭfī completed his law degree in 1894 and accepted a job in the legal department of the central government. Encouraged by the khedive Abbās IIʿ, he shortly thereafter helped form a secret society that laid the foundation of what would later be the National Party. On ʿAbbās's suggestion, Luṭfī lived abroad in Switzerland for a year in order to obtain Swiss citizenship and thus publish a newspaper upon his return that, protected by the extraterritorial rights of the capitulations (capitulation), would not be subject to British censorship laws. The plan was aborted, however, and Luṭfī returned to Egypt, where he distanced himself from the khedive. Luṭfī subsequently opened his own law firm, with which he represented the accused peasants in the wake of the Dinshaway incident (1906), a confrontation between Dinshaway villagers and British soldiers that resulted in several deaths, including that of one of the soldiers.

      In March 1907 he became editor in chief of Al-Jarīdah, a newspaper established to present the views of the Ummah Party, which represented the moderate wing of Egyptian nationalism. With the advent of World War I (1914–18), British authorities in Egypt imposed a rigid censorship, and Luṭfī resigned his position as editor of Al-Jarīdah. In 1915 he was appointed director of the National Library; during his tenure there, he was able to begin what would become an extensive project of translating a number of Aristotelean works into Arabic. At the end of the war he resigned his position to serve on the Egyptian delegation (Arabic: wafd) that negotiated with Britain for the end of the British occupation of Egypt (see Wafd party). Bickering between the various Egyptian factions during these talks hardened Luṭfī's determination to avoid direct political involvement, and he concerned himself instead with the needs of the people and the affairs of the University of Cairo, where he served as rector (1925–32 and 1935–41).

      In Luṭfī's view Egypt suffered from a deficiency in national character, most notably evidenced in the servility of the people before governmental authority. He believed that the root of the problem lay in the fact that Egypt had always had an autocratic government, which encouraged a low level of social and political independence. He thus wanted to train the public to bear the responsibilities of government. He advocated the assimilation of the technical progress of Western civilization and sought remedies in the education of the population, from the peasant to the urban bureaucrat. Until his retirement in 1942 Luṭfī devoted his energies to encouraging Egyptian social and moral growth. Owing to his career in education and his influence upon young Egyptians, he came to be known as Ustādh al-Jīl (“Educator of the Generation”). His memoirs, Qiṣṣat Ḥayātī (“The Story of My Life”), were published in book form in 1963.

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