

Greek writer
flourished 2nd/3rd century AD

      Greek writer, author of Daphnis and Chloe, the first pastoral prose romance (Hellenistic romance) (see pastoral literature) and one of the most popular of the Greek erotic romances in Western culture after the Renaissance.

      The story concerns Daphnis and Chloe, two foundlings brought up by shepherds in Lesbos, who gradually fall in love and finally marry. The author is less concerned with the complications of plot, however, than with describing the way that love developed between his hero and heroine, from their first naïve and confused feelings of childhood to full sexual maturity. Longus' penetrating psychological analysis contrasts strongly with the inept characterization of other Greek romances. His stylized descriptions of gardens and landscapes and the alternating of the seasons show a notable feeling for nature. The general tone of his romance is dictated by the quality prescribed by ancient critics for the bucolic genreglykytēs, asweeteningof the pastoral life. (See also Hellenistic romance.)

Additional Reading
William E. McCulloh, Longus (1970); R.L. Hunter, A Study of Daphnis & Chloe (1983); Giles Barber, Daphnis and Chloe: The Markets and Metamorphoses of an Unknown Bestseller (1989); Bruce D. MacQueen, Myth, Rhetoric, and Fiction: A Reading of Longus's Daphnis and Chloe (1990).

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