Liberal-Democratic Party of Japan

Liberal-Democratic Party of Japan

Japanese  Jiyū-Minshutō 

      Japan's largest political party, which has held power almost continuously since its formation in 1955. The party has generally worked closely with business interests and followed a pro-U.S. foreign policy. During nearly four decades of uninterrupted power (195593), the LDP oversaw Japan's remarkable recovery from World War II and its development into an economic superpower.

      Although the LDP was formally created in 1955, its antecedents can be traced back to political parties of the 19th century. These parties formed before Japan even had a constitution, a parliament, or elections and were primarily protest groups against the government. One of these was the Jiyūtō (Liberal Party), formed in 1881, which advocated a radical agenda of democratic reform and popular sovereignty. The Rikken Kaishintō (Constitutional Reform Party) was a more moderate alternative, formed in 1882, advocating parliamentary democracy along British lines. Party names and alliances continued to be fluid after the first elections in 1890, eventually leading to the creation of Rikken Seiyūkai (Friends of Constitutional Government) and Seiyūkai's main rival, which operated under several names: Shimpotō (Progressive Party), Kenseikai (Constitutional Party), and finally Minseitō (Democratic Party). With the rise of militarism in Japan, however, the political parties lost influence. In 1940 they disbanded, and many of their members joined the government-sponsored Imperial Rule Assistance Association (Taisei Yokusankai).

      The Japanese surrender at the end of World War II in 1945 was followed by a decade of political confusion. New parties were formed from the remnants of the old ones: the Liberal Party built on the old Seiyūkai, whereas the Progressive Party drew on factions of both the Seiyūkai and the Minseitō. The party system was highly fluid, with parties frequently merging or dissolving. For example, from 1945 to 1954 the Progressive Party changed its name four times, becoming the Democratic Party in 1947, the National Democratic Party in 1950, the Reform Party in 1952, and finally the Japan Democratic Party in 1954. In 194748 this party also joined with the Socialist Party to form a brief coalition government under the auspices of the U.S.-led occupation of Japan (194552).

      Other than this coalition government, it was common for two or three conservative parties to dominate Japan's political scene in the first postwar decade. This decade ended on November 15, 1955, when the Democrats and the Liberals formally united to form the Liberal-Democratic Party. With this merger, the LDP established itself as the conservative alternative to the growing power of the socialist and communist parties.

      Two cleavages were important in the first years of the party. The first pitted LDP politicians who previously had worked in the national bureaucracy before becoming LDP candidates against those who had served as politicians before and during World War II. The bureaucratic group had a powerful protégé in Yoshida Shigeru, an ex-bureaucrat who served as leader of the Liberal Party and as prime minister of Japan during most of the occupation. The ex-bureaucrats filled the gap left when the occupation authorities banned nearly all former politicians from active participation in politics. As these bans were lifted in the late 1940s and early '50s and these politicians returned to politics, however, the conflict between these two groups led to a power struggle within the LDP.

      The second cleavage centred on the tension between conservative and nationalist party leaders who advocated a revision of some elements of Japan's new constitution (which had been drawn up by occupation authorities and included prohibitions on waging war and maintaining a military) and those who defended the new constitutional framework. This specific issue divided the party, but its foreign policy corollarythe question of Japan's relations with the United Statesdivided the LDP from its socialist and communist opponents. These debates reached a fever pitch with the massive public protests in 1960 against Japan's ratification of the main security treaty between the United States and Japan. The party forced the ratification through the lower house of the Diet (legislature) in a special midnight session after police had removed opposition politicians who were blocking the session's opening. Public outrage precipitated the resignation of Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke, and his successors set aside the divisive issues of constitutional reform and foreign policy and focused instead on an agenda of economic growth.

      Although the LDP maintained its majority in the 1970s, its support began to waver, and opposition electoral successes led the LDP to adopt two positions central to the opposition's platform: pollution control and an improved social welfare system. Prime Minister Tanaka Kakuei also established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China and implemented massive new public works projects, many of which generally benefited LDP supporters in rural areas (including in Tanaka's home prefecture) by shifting public works spending to those areas. Tanaka was subsequently charged with taking kickbacks from companies that benefited from his policies, and he resigned as prime minister in 1974 and was arrested two years later. Nevertheless, he continued to rule the LDP's largest faction by strategically directing politicians loyal to him and was often able to dictate who became prime minister. Scandals regularly plagued LDP governments, but the party lost power only in 1993, when several groups of LDP representatives defected from the party to form new conservative political parties. In elections held that year, the LDP lost its majority in the House of Representatives andfor the first time in its historycontrol of the government.

      Within a year the LDP had returned to government as the largest party in a coalition with the Social Democratic Party of Japan (formerly the Japan Socialist Party) and the small Sakigake Party. The LDP wooed the Social Democrats into this coalition by giving the office of prime minister to the Social Democrats' leader, Murayama Tomiichi. Following Murayama's resignation in 1996, the LDP once more took control of the prime minister's office. However, the party's fortunes again declined during the brief and unpopular tenure (200001) of Mori Yoshiro as prime minister, exacerbated by a serious economic downturn. His successor, Koizumi Junichiro, promised political and economic reform and won election as party president despite the opposition of many LDP parliamentarians. Koizumi subsequently led the LDP to victory in several national elections, including a landslide victory in 2005 that was the LDP's second best performance in its history. Koizumi fought this election against members of his own party who had defeated his plan to privatize the Japanese postal system (a large government agency that also sells insurance and provides private banking services). Koizumi expelled opponents of this reform from the LDP and contested the election on this reform proposal, winning an emphatic public endorsement.

      In 2006 Koizumi left office because of LDP term limits, and he was succeeded by Abe Shinzo. Over the course of the following year, Abe's personal popularity and the party's standing dropped, traced in large part to public anger over the government's loss of 50 million pension records and the resulting problems associated with handling public inquiries. In elections to the House of Councillors (the upper house of the Diet) in July 2007, the LDP suffered one of its worst defeats, winning only 37 of the 121 seats contested and losing the majority it enjoyed with its partner, New Kōmeitō (Kōmeitō, New). It also lost its status as the largest party in the House of Councillors for the first time since the LDP had been founded.

Policy and structure
      The LDP can best be described as conservative to moderate in its political ideology. It has a broad appeal similar to the Republican (Republican Party) and Democratic (Democratic Party) parties in the United States; just as there are conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans in the United States, the LDP embraces a wide spectrum from right-wing nationalists to relatively liberal, progressive politicians. Splits within the party on such issues as the constitution, the military, and foreign policy are often generational, with younger politicians supporting some form of constitutional reform and older politicians expressing a more cautious attitude.

      The party has focused on providing a favourable environment for business, endorsing low taxes, and supporting the development of Japanese industry through government subsidies and protectionist trade policies (particularly from the 1950s to '70s). In foreign affairs, the LDP has been a strong and consistent ally of the United States, though tensions have arisen over the specifics of the security alliance (e.g., over U.S. military bases in Japan, the presence of nuclear weapons, relations with China, and Japan's military contributions to East Asian security) and over economic relations. By the late 20th century a consensus within the LDP had emerged in favour of revising Japan's constitution to allow the Japanese military to play a more significant role in international peacekeeping.

      For much of its history, the LDP was built on a system of factions based on personal ties between politicians and faction bosses rather than ideology. Tanaka, notably, used massive amounts of money to attract prospective politicians to his faction, thus giving him a strategic advantage in battles for LDP leadership positions and, ultimately, control over who became the country's prime minister. In periods of scandal or crisis, however, LDP leaders have turned away from factional battles and have selected politicians with greater public appeal in order to burnish the party's tarnished reputation. Miki Takeo in 1974, Kaifu Toshiki in 1989, and Koizumi in 2001 were all made party president not because they led the most powerful faction but because they possessed reformist credentials that would help boost LDP popularity. Koizumi's reforms considerably weakened the faction structure of the LDP, though the question remains as to whether the factions will reemerge as important features of the LDP's internal politics.

      Koizumi also tried to reform the LDP by forcing changes in the party's traditional campaign methods. LDP politicians traditionally have won victories by building personal support organizations (koenkai), which were nurtured by large amounts of money, intimate constituency service, and extensive public works projects built in the districts of LDP politicians. LDP electoral success was also built on the support of agricultural households and small shopkeepers, and the party was popular with certain new religions and with military, veterans', business, and construction groups. By the last decades of the 20th century, the relative size of these groups had begun to decline, however, and the number of unaffiliated voters had grown. Koizumi's reforms thus targeted unaffiliated urban voters by promising to cut back on so-called pork-barrel spending and by reviving the economy through deregulation and privatization. Such reforms tended to alienate some traditional LDP voting blocs by reducing the benefits that they customarily accrued from the political system. Thus, the LDP found its support stagnating or declining in rural areas, its traditional power base, and increasing in urban areas, areas historically the stronghold of the opposition.

Raymond Christensen

Additional Reading
The people and policies that shaped the Liberal-Democratic Party during the 1990s are discussed in Gerald L. Curtis, The Logic of Japanese Politics: Leaders, Institutions, and the Limits of Change (1999). The LDP's history is analyzed in Masaru Kohno, Japan's Postwar Party Politics (1997). The factional struggles and personalities of the party from the 1950s to the '80s are the subject of Junnosuke Masumi, Contemporary Politics in Japan, trans. by Lonny E. Carlile (1995; originally published in Japanese, 1985). Japanese economic reforms are placed in a comparative context in T.J. Pempel, Regime Shift: Comparative Dynamics of the Japanese Political Economy (1998, reissued 2000). The development of Japan's political system, including pre-World War II antecedents of the LDP, is discussed in Peter Duus, Modern Japan, 2nd ed. (1998).Raymond Christensen

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